From: "Hamaker, Charles" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 10:13:20 +0000

Alex Holzman wrote:
From: Alex Holzman <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2011 22:50:50 -0500

I realize it's always fun to have a bogey man in the room, but really,
life is a lot more complicated than evil publishers and virtuous

No,its not fun at all. I have both Commercial and University Press
examples clocking it at 10% to 15% increases for the year. And one
great example, pardon the irony, of a publisher who's annual take for
my library is north of $150,000 p.a. "seriously" proposing a 25%
increase for spending for their "package". They don't seem interested
in any discussion or negotiation reducing that figure. Take it or
leave it.  Having seen more than 20 years of avaricious behavior on
the part of many publishers, I don't believe we are all BFF.

Chuck Hamaker