Dear Readers: In last night's processing of liblicense-l messages,
your moderator accidentally sent through double versions of most of
the day's postings -- one set went through as if from LIBLICENSE and
the other as if from each individual author, a practice we changed
with the migration of the list to CRL.

Apologies for the duplication.

After the transition last November, a number of you wrote to me, happy
with the new LIBLICENSE header; and a couple of you wished we could go
back to the "old" ways.  Anyhow, last night's inadvertent experiment
showed us the old vs. new formatting.  As always, should you want to
send comments about your preferences or anything to do with processes
related to liblicense-l, please write directly to me:
[log in to unmask]

Always glad to hear from you!  Ann