From: SHANNON SPENCER <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 15:38:35 +0000

Good morning:

We are considering adding the Bloomberg database to our Library, but
are concerned about some of the wording of the license, in particular
the stated condition that all Bloomberg terminals must be in one room.

The sales rep said that this section is usually amended by libraries,
and we were wondering if any other academic libraries who subscribe to
Bloomberg might be willing to share the language they used.

Potentially, we would like to put the Bloomberg terminals in several
locations (the business school, computer labs, on laptops and in the
library). We will have 12 in total.

Thank you,


Shannon Spencer
Reference Librarian, Periodicals
Macdonald-Kelce Library
University of Tampa
Box 73F
Tampa, FL 33606