From: Reeta Sinha <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 23:00:45 -0700

> Thus librarians,
> in deciding whether or not to purchase revised dissertations, are at a
> significant disadvantage in lacking any detailed knowledge of this
> kind that could lead them to make truly informed and discriminating
> decisions. Instead, they have to rely on vague presumptions--if they
> decline to include these books in their approval plans--that any
> revisions made to the dissertations were merely cosmetic and
> superficial in nature.  That does not strike me as a way to make very
> informed "consumer" purchases.

I'm confident that the 'librarians' making decisions about 'revised
dissertations', as defined by the vendor and/or publisher, are more
informed than those making sweeping assumptions about all three
(librarians, 'revised dissertations' and book vendors).

Reeta Sinha, MPH, MSLS
Informed Grocery-buyer, Former Grocer