From: Kevin Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:41:44 +0000

I hope I am more of a pragmatist (one could say cynic) than to commit
myself wholeheartedly to only one option.  I am generally in favor of
whatever will further progress in particular circumstances.  But my
main point was than even "real" mandates, whatever that means, for
Green OA (like the Harvard license, after which Duke's is modeled)
don't force authors to publish in specified journals.  Authors can
still submit to any journal they think is right for them; they are
just also giving a non-exclusive license to the institution to deposit
the final version of the article in a repository.

Kevin L. Smith, J.D.
Director of Scholarly Communication
Duke University Libraries
P.O. Box 90193
Durham, NC 27708