From: George Porter <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 17:21:30 +0000

Head of Research Services :

The Caltech Library is recruiting a Head of Research Services to
provide leadership on designing and implementing a research service
vision that responds to the current and emerging needs of researchers
and students and that leverages the strengths of an institution of
Caltech's size and prominence. The position is a key member of the
Library's executive leadership team.

The Research Services department is composed of 8 librarians and 3
support staff. The department staff supports five programmatic areas:
collection management; outreach, instruction and reference services;
repository services; acquisitions; and metadata. The department has
six subject specialist librarians in Biology and Biological
Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Engineering and
Applied Science; Geological and Planetary Sciences; Physics, Math and
Astronomy; and Humanities and Social Sciences. Subject librarians work
closely with the campus research community and have responsibilities
for collection development, research services, outreach and
instruction. The department also includes the digital repository
librarian, who oversees the highly distributed work of CaltechAUTHORS
and other repositories. CaltechAUTHORS has been archiving faculty
research since 2001 and contains over 40,000 articles with more than 5
million downloads. An acquisitions, processing and catalog maintenance
team of 3 staff works with subject librarians, publishers, vendors and
regional consortia to manage the Library's largely electronic $3.25
million materials budget, and performs metadata and e-resources
management work to support discovery and access. Caltech's
repositories and digital collections are built on the EPrints and
Islandora platforms; the ILS is Innovative Interfaces; and discovery
is supported by SFX.

There is more on the website including basic and preferred
qualifications.  Applications must be submitted through the Caltech HR
website, which is linked at the bottom of the page.

The Caltech Library is also recruiting for a Head of Digital Library

George S. Porter
Interim Head, Research and Information Services
Sherman Fairchild Library
Pasadena, CA 91125-4300