From: "Winjum, Roberta J." <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 21:06:45 +0000

Hi All,

Our campus is in the process of what we’re calling the Great Divide,
where the Medical Center will become independent of the University.
I’m trying to determine what changes in license agreements will be
required for this split.

I’m interested in hearing from libraries that have already separated
their Medical Center from their University.  How do you license
products that are needed for both Medical School research and clinical
research of the hospital?  Do you have two separate licenses, a
consortium, or an arrangement that allows access for the two separate
organizations under a single agreement?  Or something else?  Was there
an impact on pricing?

Some of our licenses state that authorized users include full and part
time faculty, students, and staff members.  Does that justify
continued access to electronic resources by Medical Center doctors who
are also part-time teaching faculty?  What about Medical Center
research staff?

[WHAT do publishers think about this?]

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Roberta Winjum
Associate Dean, Technical Services
Vanderbilt University Library
Nashville, TN 37203-2427