From: Kevin Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 12:29:19 +0000
Subject: RE: Simplifying Licenses - an apology

As another lawyer on this list, I am grateful for putting the brakes
on the often thoughtless and tasteless jokes based on Shakespeare’s
line.  Heaven knows, if there is any lawyer whose existence we should
be grateful for, it is Peggy.

It is also worth remembering the context of the oft-quoted but seldom
understood passage from Henry VI, Part Two.  It is spoken while a
group of drunken louts are discussing, without much real purpose,
overthrowing the government and creating a “utopia” for themselves
where the beer and the women are freely available.  So lawyers are
considered an obstacle in the way of the anarchy that they, in their
cups, think would better serve their baser appetites.  On the whole, I
think we are better off with lawyers.


Kevin L. Smith
Director, Copyright & Scholarly Communication
Duke University Libraries