From: "Jim O'Donnell" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2015 13:46:25 -0700

The e-book landscape for libraries is challenging:  business models
sharply different from anything else we know, takeovers and
re-alliances among providers, exogenous forces (not only from Seattle)
changing the perceptions of price in the public market, etc.  I'm not
being *only* naive when I wonder why, when Amazon drives the price of
low-use e-books down to $1.99 and lower, low-use academic e-books cost
well over $100.  How can "perpetual access" be defined meaningfully?
What shall we do when we reasonably wish to borrow a title via ILL?

As we look at these issues at ASU, I'd be glad for advice from list
readers -- what vendors do you think offer the best deals (not just
price, but terms of use), and also in particular the best deals for an
institution committed to patron-driven acquisition?

Jim O'Donnell
Arizona State University