From: Maria Campbell <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 2015 13:10:32 +0000

Dear Colleagues,

UKSG webinars are back!

You are invited to join us for the first UKSG webinar of the new academic year - INTRODUCTION TO TEXT-MINING RESEARCH PAPERS

Date: Tuesday 22 September 2015
Time: 1400 BST
Duration: 45 minutes including Q&A (up to 60 minutes maximum if there is sufficient demand for an extended Q&A)

Petr Knoth and Phil Gooch, both Senior Data Scientists with Mendeley Ltd.

This webinar will explain what text-mining is and why it is important to text-mine research papers. By the end of the webinar, participants should have an understanding of what text-mining is and how it can be used to extract knowledge from research papers.

This is a free webinar and open to all. If you are interested, but unable to join the live event, please register anyway as a recording will be made available to all who register.

For more information and to register, please visit

Feedback from July's webinar: "That was an hour very well-spent!  Would love one of these every week." - Anne Madden, St. Vincent's University Hospital; 92% of survey respondents would recommend July's webinar.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you can join us.


Maria Campbell
Digital Communications Associate, UKSG
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