From: Collette Mak <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 07:40:30 -0400

For scholars associated with a library it's a shame that they aren't
using interlibrary loan.  Every library I've worked for would happily
get that content for them and do it legally with respect to
intellectual property rights.  I have no doubt that there are some
academics and researchers who enjoy a 'stick it to the man' tactics,
but likely the real reason is convenience and ignorance. The challenge
is to make resource sharing/document delivery as convenient as
Twitter.  Google scholar is a good start as a discovery system, within
our IP range we show the 'find text' when our algorithms suggest we
have access but we don't offer ILL on items that we don't own.  We
probably should.


Collette Mak
Outreach and Scholarly Communications Librarian
Hesburgh Libraries

University of Notre Dame
115a Hesburgh Library
Notre Dame, IN 46556
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