From: Bonnie Tijerina <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 13:23:05 -0500

ER&L 2016 Preliminary Program Search Tool Now Available!

Electronic Resources and Libraries announces the release of the 2016 preliminary program search tool. Have the first look at the ER&L sessions... even before final presentation times have been assigned.

#erl16 Workshops Descriptions Released.

ER&L offers a great lineup of half-day workshops on Sunday and Wednesday of the conference.

ER&L’s  workshop committee has put together some great courses for your professional development. Take 4 hours and deep dive into:

the latest developments in copyright & its impact on library collections, and how copyright can help promote and expand library services.

an intentional and informed approach to using social media to promote e-resources to library community. develop a social media plan, learn how to optimize e-resources for social media sharing, connect with community, and assess their efforts, all tailored for your organizational capacity.

a plan to support students in creating a course content student affordability program on your campus! Get up to speed on your options and leave with an informed framework to implement a plan to support students with affordable resources at your library.

Early Registration Available for a Limited Time.

Register to attend the conference at the early rates, extended through before December 8. Flexible options to attend in person, online, in combination with Designing for Digital (April 6-7, 2016, colocated with ER&L)

Bonnie Tijerina
ER&L Conference Coordinator
ER&L 2016, April 3-6, 2016