From: "David P. Dillard" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2016 05:53:58 -0400

Elsevier Complaint Shuts Down Sci-Hub Domain Name

Torrent Freak

ERNESTO ON MAY 4, 2016 C: 112

Sci-Hub is facing millions of dollars in damages in a lawsuit filed by
Elsevier, one of the largest academic publishers. As a result of the
legal battle the site just lost one of its latest domain names.
However, the site has no intentions of backing down, and will continue
its fight to keep access to scientific knowledge free and open.

200px-Elsevier.svgHoping to stop the unauthorized distribution of
millions of academic papers, academic publisher Elsevier filed a
complaint against Sci-Hub and several related sites last year.

While Sci-Hub is nothing like the average pirate site, it is just as
illegal according to Elseviers legal team, which obtained a
preliminary injunction from a New York District Court last fall.

The complete article may be read at the URL above.

David Dillard
Temple University
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