From: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2016 01:29:04 +0000

Copyright and licensing issues related to text and data mining (TDM)
was the topic of my presentation in June 2016 at the Special Libraries
Association (SLA) in Philadelphia. TDM, also called content mining,
involves extracting data from content such as text, numbers, images
and more, and making connections between those extracts by analyzing
the data and creating new data. Generally, a copy is made of the
original content in order to analyze it and mine it.

My presentation addressed the following issues:

copyright versus licensing
U.S. and Canadian copyright legislation on TDM (another panelist spoke
about the U.K. copyright exception for TDM)
Digital licensing agreements
Best practices

Obtain a copy of my slides at In Depth: Text & Data Mining
