From: "Jim O'Donnell" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 18:06:09 -0700

This message is important for institutions that subscribe or wish to
subscribe to L'Annèe Philologique.

L'Année Philologique is a standard and necessary research tool for
scholars of the ancient world, offering comprehensive bibliographical
coverage of scholarship for the last hundred years.  Distributed until
now through EBSCO, they will transition in 2017-2018 to Brepols (of
Turnhout, Belgium).  The new publisher does not have access to a
current subscriber list; hence, there is risk of many current
subscribers simply seeing their access die without knowing how to
re-acquire, for which they will have to be proactive with Brepols.
I've been asked to circulate the message below and to request
libraries that subscribe to APh to make sure to take the appropriate
steps.  As classicist, I'm eager to see this work and happy to answer
questions or help institutions that encounter difficulties.

Jim O'Donnell
Arizona State


Here is an important announcement from the Société internationale de
bibliographie classique: beginning October 1, 2017 Brepols publishers
will become the sole publisher and distributor of the L'Année
philologique, both in print and online. Libraries and individuals
currently subscribing through Les Belles Lettres and EBSCO will
continue to have online access through these distributors until their
current subscription concludes, no later than Dec. 31, 2018.

Pricing is now available directly from Brepols, which is offering
discounts and free trial periods to institutions in North America
throughout the transition period. Contact them directly at:
[log in to unmask] for pricing, and for more information, follow the
link on their homepage: