From: Robin Sinn <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 12:49:07 +0000

Hi Joe,

Here are a few speculations that have crossed my mind:

1. We'll still have to manage commercial indexes like WoS, Scopus, and Academic Search Complete. I haven't heard much about their fates if all the journal literature is free. Will everyone turn to Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic Search? Or will indexes with filters and controlled vocabulary become even more important?

2. Building, supporting, and maintaining open infrastructure. arXiv may be freely available, but my library supports it financially. Library software engineers are working on projects with COS and other libraries. That all fits within David Lewis's 2.5% Commitment proposal.

3. Providing metadata about the research literature, as well as making sure the researchers at the institution are properly identified with ORCID. I also wonder if the library should take on making sure that the institution and all its academic departments, research centers, and programs are properly identified with ISNI and other identification agencies.

4. Search (going back to my first point) may be more complex, so instruction and assistance with searching will be a continuing need - especially for undergraduates.

What else?
Thanks for the question,

Robin N Sinn
Scholarly Communications Specialist
Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore MD 21218
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