From: Emily Packer <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 16:07:44 +0100

[With apologies for cross-posting]

Hi all,

I thought you might be interested in the announcement from eLife and the
Collaborative Knowledge Foundation (Coko) that we have partnered to build a
new open-source submission and peer-review platform.

By joining forces, we hope to accelerate progress in delivering a modern,
fast and user-driven system. The project will be designed to help
streamline communications between authors, editors and reviewers at all
stages of the submission and review process.

Giuliano Maciocci, eLife’s Head of Product, says: “The tasks of submitting
and reviewing a manuscript should not be difficult, and any time spent on
the administration of these processes could be better spent on ensuring the
quality of the research itself. As such, the design of the system will
ensure that all stakeholders are required to interact with it only when
their input will have the most impact. Time is an important resource, and
we hope our platform will help the publishing process require less of it
from both authors and editors.”

Please see the full announcement for further details: https://elifesciences

As ever, if you’d like any further information or to speak with someone
further, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes,


Emily Packer
Senior Press Officer

+44 1223 855373 <+44%201223%20855373> (office)

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