From: Maria Campbell <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2017 13:14:41 +0000

Dear colleagues,

We are still accepting registrations for next week's free UKSG webinar: "Authentication technology update: RA21 and OpenAthens"

Tuesday 28 November 2017 at 1400 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

For more information and to register (for the live event or recording), please visit

- Josh Howlett, Head of trust and identity, Jisc
- Phil Leahy, Service Relationship Manager (IAM), Eduserv
- Tasha Mellins-Cohen, Director of Publishing, Microbiology Society (facilitator)

Learning outcomes:
- An understanding of the aims of the RA21 pilot projects
- An understanding of the OpenAthens offer, including a new WAYF service

The intended audience includes librarians and publishers with an awareness of authentication and authorisation tools such as OpenAthens, seeking more detail on future developments in the space.

We welcome your questions during registration to help shape the webinar's content. For instance, "How does RA21 ensure the privacy of their end users? What's the role for libraries with RA21?"

UKSG webinars are:
- Recorded and the link to the recording provided to all active registrations (so please do not cancel your registration if you find you are subsequently unable to attend the live event). Feel free to register for the recording alone.
- Open to all (you do not need to be a member of UKSG to register)
- Shared among colleagues (feel free to pass on this message)

These are available at
(Especially useful for those new to webinars or joining from an institution.) We recommend you check your connection and consult your IT department to make sure access will not be impeded.

If you have particular accessibility needs, please feel free to contact me on [log in to unmask]

We look forward to welcoming you next Tuesday or hearing from you via #UKSGwebinar.

With regards


Maria Campbell
Digital Communications Associate, UKSG
E: [log in to unmask]

UKSG on Twitter: @UKSG
UKSG webinars: and #UKSGwebinar