From: Nicola Poser <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 02:31:01 +0100

**apologies for cross-posting**

Last week RedLink announced the release of its second annual RedLink Index report, covering data from the 2017 subscription year. 

RedLink’s database of usage measures includes more than 7,500 institutions and more than 1,750 journals and e-books. The dataset covers more than 218 million full-text views, 35 million denials, and 114 million abstract views. The publishers reflected in these data span disciplines, including social sciences, health sciences and medicine, physical sciences, engineering, education, biological sciences, and technology.

New this year is a library version of the The 2018 RedLink Indexreviewing the overall trends from the aggregate data, providing benchmarks and comparison of usage patterns. This is a free report.

Thank you!

Nicola Poser