From: Maria Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2018 20:43:27 +0000

Building on recommendations from the 2016 eDesiderata Forum, CRL has drafted a set of licensing terms and specifications recommended for use in negotiating agreements for large global datasets from providers in the areas of business, financial, and geospatial Information. These draft recommendations are now available for public comment. Comments will be accepted through June 15, 2018.



In November 2016, CRL hosted the inaugural eDesiderata Forum on the topic of licensing large databases and datasets (the event description, related resources and documentation can be found here). The Forum invited experts in the fields of geospatial, business, census and public opinion data to discuss the challenges libraries face in licensing and acquiring such resources with the CRL community. Among the challenges identified were: limitations on use of licensed materials; limitations on local storage of materials; inconsistencies in vendors’ delivery and access mechanisms; and lack of established rights for long-term use and retention of the data.


Guided by the findings of the 2016 Forum, and in and consultation of experts in data resource licensing at academic libraries, CRL has developed a set of terms and specifications recommended for inclusion in data acquisition licenses to facilitate more successful, informative and mutually constructive agreements with vendors of global data resources. Those recommendations may be found on the following CRL page:


Feedback can be submitted through the following methods:

·                 PDF (Google Drive) with in-line commenting. Users without Google accounts may comment anonymously, though we welcome attribution by adding your name to your comments.

·                 Microsoft Word version (downloadable). Please add comments and suggest revisions (with changes tracked), and return the marked up document to Maria Smith [log in to unmask].


The proposed model license terms were presented at CRL’s recent quarterly webinar  held on April 24th; presentation slides are now available on the event page, and the presentation recording (20 minutes) is available on CRL’s YouTube channel.


We welcome your input and questions. Please share this message and links with other interested parties at your institution.