From: "Pikas, Christina K." <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2018 11:12:40 +0000

(Not endorsing any vendor listed below)


I feel like you may have missed the past 5-10 years of activity on this front? Digital humanities is a well-established field with lots of active participants. CrossRef has TDM support ( PubMed Central is of course used a lot and there was talk about the public access requirement creating new opportunities. Elsevier has a number of APIs although most of their use cases are for research evaluation and institutional repository uses.


Maybe publishers on the list would like to point you to their help pages.




From: kalev leetaru <[log in to unmask]>

Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2018 14:53:30 -0400

Thought many of you on the list would find of interest my latest piece, which summarizes a number of thoughts, comments, situations and ideas I've heard from both the academic and publisher worlds regarding the state and future of publishers supporting TDM:



Would be very interested in hear offline from publishers on this list as to any TDM offerings they currently have, ones they are planning or considering launching or past offerings they shut down and why.

