From: Ann Shumelda Okerson <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 22:29:39 -0400

Elsevier/Impactstory agreement will make open access articles easier to find on Scopus

Scopus users will be able to search over 7 million peer-reviewed articles tagged as OA

"Open access is growing across the industry, but it can be hard to know which articles are open and which are subscription. Being able to easily find and identify open access content saves researchers time and effort.

"With Elsevier’s new partnership with Impactstory, a nonprofit that creates online tools to make science more open and reusable, researchers will soon be able to find open access content on Scopus more efficiently. Meanwhile, for university research offices, the expansion of OA-identified content in Scopus will enable improved strategic analysis and benchmarking."