From: Leah Hinds <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2018 14:14:18 -0400

The Charleston Conference is pleased to announce that our full schedule for the 2018 annual conference is now available! 

IMPORTANT NOTE: We're trying something new this year with our schedule. We listened to your feedback on the attendee evaluations about room assignments - sometimes small rooms are overflowing into the halls, and large ballrooms are underutilized. Our goal is to remedy that by using your feedback to assign room size. 

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please create a personal schedule and add sessions that you want to attend. Then we can use the numbers of people attending to gauge and assign room sizes.  

The Conference uses the platform for our online schedule. You can create a free user account and create a personal agenda. More information on how to create and customize your account can be found in the Attendee Guide. Learn how to save sessions and share them with friends. You can access your personal agenda online, in the mobile app, print it out, or sync it to your calendar.

The Early Bird Registration deadline is September 14. Register at


Leah Hinds
Executive Director
Charleston Library Conference