From: "Sugden, Martin" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 13:51:07 +0000

[Cross-posted! Please share]


Do you have research, experience, or skills in Scholarly Communication that you can share with others?


Could you help improve Scholarly Communication by proposing and leading a FSCI summer course?


Do you want to teach and learn in a premiere community-led Scholarly Communication Summer School?

Submit a course proposal for FSCI 2019!

New and returning instructors are welcome


[Learn more]


DEADLINE:  January 18, 2019



FSCI 2019 (FORCE11 Scholarly Communications Institute)  is being held at UCLA in Los Angeles, California from August 5 - 9, 2019.  It is the premiere community-led and organised summer school on current trends in Scholarly Communication. Our instructors are community members who are passionate about passing on their knowledge and experience to others in Scholarly Communication and Open Research. They range from up-and-coming researchers and practitioners to world-leading experts. The students they teach come from a wide variety of backgrounds: research, funding, administration, publishing, libraries, and information users; from absolute beginners to discipline leaders. They are eager to learn and represent an excellent source of potential collaborations. Learn more about FSCI at



Martin Sugden

Senior Marketing Manager, Authors & Researchers


Taylor & Francis | 4 Park Square | Milton Park | Abingdon | OX14 4RN | UK


T: +44 (0)20 337 73808

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