From: "Dr. Franck Vazquez | CSO | MDPI " <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2019 07:55:54 +0200

Dear all,

The 1st Basel Sustainable Publishing Forum, organized by the University
of Basel and the MDPI Sustainability Foundation, will take place on 9
September 2019.

This 1st BSPF aims to provide background and perspective on Plan S to
Learned Societies, to support them to fully understand what Plan S
changes entail, and to help them make well-informed decisions to
transition their journals to OA.

It will bring together representatives of these societies to hear from
them and understand the challenges that they are facing to
transition/flip their journals. This event offers a unique opportunity
to share with and learn from other societies, as well as from Plan S
architects and various publishers and publishing platforms. We will hold
open discussions with a broad range of stakeholders, to identify
sustainable and scalable solutions for successful Open Access transition.

Registration is open at:

Sponsoring options are available on request.

We hope you can join us for some interesting discussions.

Best wishes,

Franck Vazquez, Ph.D
Chief Scientific Officer
MDPI AG, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland
Tel. +41 61 683 77 34