From: Bernie Folan <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2019 14:19:15 +0200

***With apologies for cross-posting***

Registration is now open for our next webinar which will be held on Tuesday 23 July at 3.00pm BST. 

The last webinar until after summer in the OASPA Open Scholarship Webinar Series is How should Scholarly Societies transition to OA?

The OASPA Open Scholarship Webinar Series is delighted to focus its 6th webinar entirely on Scholarly Societies and Open Access publishing. Aileen Fyfe, University of St Andrews, sets the scene: when and why did scholarly Societies get involved in publishing, what changed their mission in the 20th Century and what choices do they face now? Stuart Taylor, Publishing Director of The Royal Society (the first Society to publish a scientific journal) showcases what the Royal Society is doing and discusses how societies might work together towards a common goal. Rachael Samberg, UC Berkeley Library, introduces a group of like-minded individuals from libraries, academic institutions, publishers, and consortia who have organized to provide support and advocacy for Learned and Professional Societies called  ‘Transitioning Society Publications to Open Access (TSPOA)’. And Alicia Wise, Information Power, reveals the latest from the ‘Society Publishers Accelerating Open access and Plan S’ (SPA-OPS) project, commissioned by Wellcome, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP).

If you are interested in the future of knowledge and the role of Scholarl.y and Learned Societies in Open Access, then please join us for this free public webinar on Tuesday 23rd July. The presentations by the four panelists will be within the first hour. This will be followed by an extended Q&A discussion - bring those questions you always wanted to ask. It should be fun. Full information and panelist biographies at  

This webinar is free and open to the public. Register now.  A recording will be available following the event.  

Best wishes,

Bernie Folan
Events and Communications Coordinator, OASPA

Note that this will be the last OASPA webinar before October. If you have enjoyed the webinar series, why not also join us at the OASPA Annual Conference in September. Early-bird registration closes 12 July 2019.