From: NISO Announce <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 09:59:49 -0400

Researcher Behaviors and the Impact of Technology

Technologies like augmented reality, visualization screens, quantum computing, and more, have the potential to dramatically change both how research is performed and how research outcomes are presented. But which technologies have captured the interest of which disciplines, and how are they transforming their outputs? Our next virtual conference will tap into this exciting area, featuring speakers from a variety of fields and sectors — librarians, publishers, service providers, and others — to demonstrate how different communities are using different tools, and what we can learn from their experiences.

A single registration allows an unlimited number of staff from your organization to attend this virtual conference — or to listen to the archived recording, which is sent to registrants within 24-48 hours of the event, enabling anyone who can’t participate on the day of the broadcast to listen at their convenience. We will provide individual sign-on credentials to staff who are working remotely, providing that you supply us with their email addresses.

Register now by credit card or by using this downloadable form.

NISO Members: $190; Non-Members: $255; Students: $85.00

Speakers include: 

  • Bert Carelli, Director of Partnerships, TrendMD

  • Vincent Cassidy, Head of Academic Markets, The IET

  • Danielle Cooper, Manager, Collaborations and Research, Ithaka S+R

  • Hannah C. Gunderman, Lead, Research Data Services, Carnegie Mellon University Libraries

  • Stephanie Roth, Biomedical & Research Services Librarian, Temple University

  • Emma Warren-Jones, Co-Founder, Scholarcy

Here’s what just two of those speakers will be addressing:

Title: Tools to support systematic review research

The systematic review process is complex and using tools can help researchers to navigate the steps involved in a systematic review.  There are tools available at no cost to researchers for each of the various stages of the systematic review. Some tools are designed specifically for systematic reviews.  With over a hundred tools to choose from specifically designed for systematic reviews, choosing the right tool can be daunting for researchers. As part of the systematic review service at our library, we ask researchers to complete a protocol form.  The protocol form gives us insights into their current awareness or knowledge of tools and we are able to offer customized recommendations or training. We give them the information they need to make an informed decision of what tool to use, without deciding for them.

Title: Promoting Content Discovery Within the Reader/Researcher Workflow

With over 2.5 million scholarly articles published each year – more than 8,000 each day - researchers face a constant challenge of keeping up to date with new developments within their fields and in adjacent disciplines that could impact their work. TrendMD’s recommendation engine uses technology, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) to connect ideas, subjects, and people.  Article-level recommendations help researchers discover new content related to their interests, within the context of their research workflow. Publishers use our service to grow their website traffic, build readership, find new users, and increase citations. This presentation will describe how this works, and will include research and case studies that demonstrate how TrendMD is helping researchers and publishers achieve their goals through enhanced discovery.

More information, including the conference agenda for this virtual event, is available on the NISO event page.

Please join us for what will be a fascinating cross-sector discussion!

Best Wishes,

The NISO Team


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Baltimore, MD 21211-1948

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