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Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2016 21:17:43 -0400
Reply-To: LibLicense-L Discussion Forum <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: SciHub
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From: LIBLICENSE <[log in to unmask]>
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From: "Jean-Claude Guédon" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2016 10:47:27 -0500

In response to Todd Puccio,

I have no quarrel with the general thrust of Todd's argument.

The time element was introduced because, indeed, it could help (or
mask) what the purpose was. Thank you for helping to clarify.

If I download something from Sci-Hub from my personal computer at
home, on a weekend, and a publishers sues my university, the
university will simply say: this has nothing to do with us. And I
suspect most judges would agree with that.

Jean-Claude Guédon

Professeur titulaire
Littérature comparée
Université de Montréal

Le jeudi 10 mars 2016 à 19:52 -0500, LIBLICENSE a écrit :

From: Todd Puccio <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2016 15:33:45 +0000

In response to Jean-Claude Guédon :

The issue is not "when" or "where" a SciHub article was downloaded or
used, but rather, for what purpose.

If the purpose is to further the goals of your institution then the
ethical considerations that I have presented are in play.

Imagine a newspaper headline:

"Elsevier files Law Suit against the Université de Montréal over a
researcher's use of SciHub articles in University conducted research"
{of course, we know a headline would never really be that long}

Now ask yourself, if the use of a SciHub article as an act Civil
Disobedience was acting in the best interest of the Organization ?

The University now has to expend resources defending itself against
something that it did not explicitly support due to a researcher's
personal feelings and a supposed act of civil disobedience.

Right or Wrong - Win or Lose - the University will now suffer the consequences.

I am just asking folks to _think before they act_ .

If they feel so strongly about this, then fine, conduct Civil
Disobedience, but please do not drag your organizations with you
without organizational support.


T. Puccio

Todd Puccio
Director of Technical Services / Librarian
Nova Southeastern University
Health Professions Division Library
3200 S. University Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33328
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