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LIBLICENSE <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 7 May 2015 00:03:32 -0400
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From: Fred Dylla <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2015 21:02:50 +0000

Response to Dr. Danny Kingsley’s post of Sat, 2 May 2015 17:39

Dear Dr. Kingsley,

Let me assure you that STM consultation on article sharing is still
very much a work in progress. When the two-month consolation period
closed on April 10th, we received quite a few (50) comments, including
very thoughtful commentary from several readers of Liblicense.

The STM working group met in late April to review the submitted
comments and consider next steps, including ongoing engagement with
those in the wider community who use and provide content for these
networks. We will post progress reports on the original STM site where
all the submitted comments can still be viewed:

The announcement by Elsevier does not mean these voluntary principles
are fixed or no longer open to discussion by the research community.
Elsevier participates in the STM working group that has been carefully
considering this issue for several months now, and remains closely
engaged with its other members, its process, and with the feedback
received to date. It is encouraging to see a publisher taking steps to
make article sharing easier for researchers based on this first draft
of the voluntary principles. Meanwhile, the STM working group
continues its efforts to engage the wider community to develop revised
principles that reflect the views of all major stakeholders in this
important area of scholarly research.

H. Frederick Dylla

Chair, STM working group for article sharing on scholarly
collaboration networks (SCNs)

Executive Director & CEO, American Institute of Physics